
The material contained in this website is general medical information provided for informative and educational purposes only. This information should not be used as a substitute for the personal, professional medical advice of your physician.

General medical advice, such as the kind in this website, can never substitute for personal, professional advice given based on your medical history, your family medical history, your medication history, and other factors. Because these factors are different for every person, you should always consult your physician before relying on information provided in this web site.

Nothing in this website should be construed as establishing a patient-physician relationship between you and any employee, staff or physician Premier Heath or any affiliated entities thereof. If you need medical assistance, make an appointment with a physician, or call 911 immediately if it is an emergency.

Health Information Publishing

Medical and health information on this website comes from two sources – original content from Premier Health which is provided by our medical professionals and health content obtained from a third party provider, Healthwise: Patient Education. For health information provided by our medical professionals, their credentials are listed within said content and links to their provider profiles (which contain information such as provider specialty, education, residency and fellowship information, and years of experience) are included. The medical and health information provided by Premier Health medical professionals is clinically reviewed prior to publishing.

If you have questions, you may contact the Premier Health Corporate Offices online.